Eating oysters can really treat erectile dysfunction? 5 Secrets to Aphrodisiac Foods That Get Your Sex Drive High

Can Food Make Your Sex Drive Increase? Or is this just an illusory effect created in your head? If you have this question, you must have read a lot of related articles. Many studies have shown that there are indeed some foods that can enhance sexual desire, and the most recognized aphrodisiac food that can increase sexual desire is oysters. The following will introduce the various types of Aphrodisiac and why oysters are a natural aphrodisiac that everyone has passed on.


Natural Aphrodisiacs to Boost Libido

If we say that everyone in this world has something in common, most people have sexual desires, which also contributed to the birth of aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs are drugs that improve sexual response or libido. Today, you can find effective aphrodisiac drugs, such as: Viagra, etc., which are currently the most popular drug options for increasing libido (extended reading: What is Maca? Experts tell you the 8 functions of Maca, how to eat Maca, and how to choose it.). In addition to drugs, different cultures have their own preferences for aphrodisiac foods, such as: chocolate, asparagus, and the most popular oysters.


The main reason food can aphrodisiac

The reasons why food can increase libido and even aphrodisiac are usually divided into the following five types:


  1. Eat your libido: Some foods will warm you up and provide a lot of water when you eat them, such as chili or curry. It is believed that such foods create "hot" passions in bed. Cold food will induce a cool, slow feeling of body relaxation, which can increase the pleasure of sexual intercourse.


  1. Like a sex organ: Most of us can’t deny that our minds are filled with emotions and desires, which is why people associate certain foods with sex organs. These evocative foods include: oysters, or vegetables and fruits that resemble penises, such as gherkins or bananas.


  1. Eat what you eat: In Asia, it is generally believed that eating salmon roe, quail eggs and other animal "eggs" can make people's sexual desire and performance better.


  1. Exotic food is the most aphrodisiac: Rare and expensive food is believed to increase more sexual desire, for example: Geoduck is a good example, don’t you think it looks like a masculine lower body?


  1. Stimulate the senses, stimulate desire: Foods that stimulate the senses in a pleasurable manner are thought to stimulate sexual desire. For example, red strawberries, because they are shaped like a heart, are very romantic to eat.

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Are oysters really an aphrodisiac?

Although the FDA has no clinical research to prove that oysters have aphrodisiac effects, studies have shown that the degeneration of the gonads is related to the long-term lack of Zinc in the human body, and the zinc content in oysters is very high, which is the crown of all foods, so it is also one of the "best ingredients for sex". It is said that it can stimulate the body's sexual desire; in addition, eating oysters can also help secrete Dopamine, a hormone commonly known as the happy hormone. So, while not aphrodisiac, at least for men, take 5 to 7 oysters a day in large quantities and you may start to notice subtle androgenic changes in your body.

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